Silicone Bracelets are now sale for 1.00 ea. Shipping for up to 5 is $3.00 we have 5 colors.. bright pink, powder blue, silver, teal, purple and white
James (Bud) Albert Paulas
July 6, 1933 ~ October 4, 2014

Tiny Tails volunteers have received a national award for their continued efforts to provide good quality animal rescue services in Gallatin co. and through out Montana.
Tiny Tails is a 501 C 3 non profit.. We hold board meetings at least quarterly and also call special board meetings as we find necessary. Board meeting are open to the public. We will post the date , time and place of the board meeting on this page at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. Anyone wanting to speak on any subject at the board meeting is welcome to with prior notification so what we can schedule the board meeting time to fit in any/all that would like to make comment or speak. We ask that you try to limit your comment/s to 10 minutes to give others time to speak. We are always willing to accept written questions or concerns. Our next scheduled meeting will be some time in May, we will post time date and place as soon as we firm up the schedule.
Our Federal 990 filing and other required records can be viewed in our office in Manhattan. If you would like to make an appointment please text 580-2006 and we will get you in right away.. . As a 501 c 3 our board member names and addresses are public record flied with the state of Montana as well but we will not publish their names and addresses on our webpage or facebook page for privacy reasons..