Send Adoption Applications to:
[email protected]
or sent via USPS to P.O. Box 257, Manhattan, MT 59741
If you would like to volunteer with Tiny Tails please down load the file below, fill it out
and return it to [email protected]
If you would like to volunteer with Tiny Tails please down load the file below, fill it out
and return it to [email protected]
Adoption applications for Other then Kittens/puppies/dogs and cats.
Please send to [email protected]
Please send to [email protected]
Adoption Application for Birds link is above. Please note that Birds are courtesy listings and your application will be forwarded to the owner of the bird your interested in. Incomplete applications will not be processed
Adoption Application for Kittens and Cats
Please make sure it is filled it out completely and email to [email protected]
Registration forms for 2024 No-Tap bowling for Charity fundraiser
How do I get an adoption application?
Click on the document file link to download a copy of our adoption application. Please fill it out completely, and return it by email to; [email protected] or via USPS mail it to our Head Quarters, Via US mail to Tiny Tails K-9 Rescue, P.O. Box 257, Manhattan, Montana 59741-0257
Here is how the adoption process works.
If we receive more then one application on a single animal we will process the applications in the order of date received. Taking one application at a time to insure we use our resources to the best effect.
When we get a completed application, we will make reference calls to your vet, landlord, personal references you listed and any other calls that are required.
We will set up a home visit. Or if that isn't possible we will ask for photos of the areas that we check when we do a home visit.
If an adoption doesn't go through, we will go to the next application, an so on.
We have had as many as 40 applications on one puppy, it took 4 meet and greets to get the puppy placed in the right home.
Our basic requirements:
Our policy is that all dogs have to be members of the family. NO "Outdoor" dogs or dogs that will be sleeping in the garage or in a kennel.
A secure fenced yard is a requirement, unless other wise stated on the dogs posting.
We will not adopt a dog that has been labeled "No children or No other dogs" to a family that has children or other dogs, no acceptations.
If renting your residence we must have written permission from the landlord.
For some breeds of dogs we will need written permission from your HOA/Landlord stating that they are aware of the breed of the puppy/dog being adopted, and will allow it on the property.
If there is a pet deposit that needs to be paid to the landlord we require proof that it has been paid.
The person that is adopting MUST be signatory to the lease in question. No exceptions.
If you live in Belgrade, Manhattan or any other city that has a limit on the number of dogs allowed and requires a kennel license for additional pets, and your household is at the limit, we will require proof of a kennel license.
You must be old enough to legally sign a contract. 18 yrs of age in the State of Montana.
We do not adopt dogs to be given to others as gifts.
We will be showing preference to homes/owners that have had similar or same breed dogs in the past. (This applies especially, to larger breed dogs like Shepard, chow, pitty's, hounds, etc)
All puppy adoptions are conditional to the puppy being spayed or neutered by age 6 mos.
Our adoption fee donation for dogs/puppies is currently $200.00. This fee helps off set our cost of least two vet checks, de-worming treatment(s), first vaccinations (Distemper + 5 at 6 weeks), spay or neuter at our Clinic only, micro-chipping, medicines, special diets (formula for bottle babies, etc.) and any transportation that was needed while in our rescue.
We also have all our dogs evaluated by a professional trainer or animal behaviorist.
Any Donated Funds provided over the adoption fee goes directly to the Emergency Medical Fund for the dogs in our care.
All dogs over 6 mos of age will be spayed or neutered prior to adoption. No Exceptions.
Puppies that are too two small (under 2 lbs) will have conditional contract adoptions.
For convenience a new owner may choose to have their new puppy spayed or neutered by their personal vet that their own cost. And provide proof of spay/neuter to Tiny Tails for our records by age 6 months.
A contract must be signed in order to adopt from Tiny Tails.
We check in on our animals to make sure that the terms of the contract are not violated.
Some HOA's, have breed restrictions and some County, city and townships have restrictions on the number of dogs you can have on your property. We do our best to abide by the local and HOA restrictions that your home falls under. Please obtain the proper paper work ie. Kennel License if it is required prior to filling out your application to adopted from Tiny Tails. It is heart breaking to have a great home that we have to deny due to HOA or City restrictions.
Tiny Tails retains the right to refuse services or to anyone.
Tiny Tails has an Attorney that will be happy to deal with any legal questions you may have. We will be happy to put you in touch if asked.
Here is how the adoption process works.
If we receive more then one application on a single animal we will process the applications in the order of date received. Taking one application at a time to insure we use our resources to the best effect.
When we get a completed application, we will make reference calls to your vet, landlord, personal references you listed and any other calls that are required.
We will set up a home visit. Or if that isn't possible we will ask for photos of the areas that we check when we do a home visit.
If an adoption doesn't go through, we will go to the next application, an so on.
We have had as many as 40 applications on one puppy, it took 4 meet and greets to get the puppy placed in the right home.
Our basic requirements:
Our policy is that all dogs have to be members of the family. NO "Outdoor" dogs or dogs that will be sleeping in the garage or in a kennel.
A secure fenced yard is a requirement, unless other wise stated on the dogs posting.
We will not adopt a dog that has been labeled "No children or No other dogs" to a family that has children or other dogs, no acceptations.
If renting your residence we must have written permission from the landlord.
For some breeds of dogs we will need written permission from your HOA/Landlord stating that they are aware of the breed of the puppy/dog being adopted, and will allow it on the property.
If there is a pet deposit that needs to be paid to the landlord we require proof that it has been paid.
The person that is adopting MUST be signatory to the lease in question. No exceptions.
If you live in Belgrade, Manhattan or any other city that has a limit on the number of dogs allowed and requires a kennel license for additional pets, and your household is at the limit, we will require proof of a kennel license.
You must be old enough to legally sign a contract. 18 yrs of age in the State of Montana.
We do not adopt dogs to be given to others as gifts.
We will be showing preference to homes/owners that have had similar or same breed dogs in the past. (This applies especially, to larger breed dogs like Shepard, chow, pitty's, hounds, etc)
All puppy adoptions are conditional to the puppy being spayed or neutered by age 6 mos.
Our adoption fee donation for dogs/puppies is currently $200.00. This fee helps off set our cost of least two vet checks, de-worming treatment(s), first vaccinations (Distemper + 5 at 6 weeks), spay or neuter at our Clinic only, micro-chipping, medicines, special diets (formula for bottle babies, etc.) and any transportation that was needed while in our rescue.
We also have all our dogs evaluated by a professional trainer or animal behaviorist.
Any Donated Funds provided over the adoption fee goes directly to the Emergency Medical Fund for the dogs in our care.
All dogs over 6 mos of age will be spayed or neutered prior to adoption. No Exceptions.
Puppies that are too two small (under 2 lbs) will have conditional contract adoptions.
For convenience a new owner may choose to have their new puppy spayed or neutered by their personal vet that their own cost. And provide proof of spay/neuter to Tiny Tails for our records by age 6 months.
A contract must be signed in order to adopt from Tiny Tails.
We check in on our animals to make sure that the terms of the contract are not violated.
Some HOA's, have breed restrictions and some County, city and townships have restrictions on the number of dogs you can have on your property. We do our best to abide by the local and HOA restrictions that your home falls under. Please obtain the proper paper work ie. Kennel License if it is required prior to filling out your application to adopted from Tiny Tails. It is heart breaking to have a great home that we have to deny due to HOA or City restrictions.
Tiny Tails retains the right to refuse services or to anyone.
Tiny Tails has an Attorney that will be happy to deal with any legal questions you may have. We will be happy to put you in touch if asked.
To Become a Volunteer / Foster Family / or help out in our office please down load the document file below,
fill out and return to [email protected] please go to the applications and forms link above and fill out a volunteer form.
fill out and return to [email protected] please go to the applications and forms link above and fill out a volunteer form.

Please remember to fill in the Application Completely The more information you provide, the quicker we will be able to process your application. If you have an dog or cat in mind that you are applying for please make sure to note the dogs name or ID number so we know which dog or cat you are interested in.
FAQ: How much is the adoption fee?
Tiny Tails does not sell dogs or cats.
Our adoption fees, currently for a dog / puppy is $ 200.00, and are based on what medical expenses the animal in question had. If the dog or cat required a lot medical care our volunteers do fundraisers to off set costs. The adoption fee will usually be listed on the animals listing on the available for adoption page. Any Donated Funds provided over the adoption fee goes directly to the Emergency Medical Fund for the dogs in our care. Senior to Senior adoption and dogs with ongoing medical issues have reduced adoption fees. Our adoption fee for a dog/puppy are currently $200.00 and includes their medical to date, spay or neuter at our clinic only, up to date vaccinations, worming treatments and microchip..
FAQ: How much is the adoption fee?
Tiny Tails does not sell dogs or cats.
Our adoption fees, currently for a dog / puppy is $ 200.00, and are based on what medical expenses the animal in question had. If the dog or cat required a lot medical care our volunteers do fundraisers to off set costs. The adoption fee will usually be listed on the animals listing on the available for adoption page. Any Donated Funds provided over the adoption fee goes directly to the Emergency Medical Fund for the dogs in our care. Senior to Senior adoption and dogs with ongoing medical issues have reduced adoption fees. Our adoption fee for a dog/puppy are currently $200.00 and includes their medical to date, spay or neuter at our clinic only, up to date vaccinations, worming treatments and microchip..